Many of our boys excel in more than one area of sport, and that is because of the opportunities provided by interhouse activities and through encouraging them to move outside their comfort zones, to be the best they can be.

Christ’s College is well known across New Zealand for its competitiveness in a broad range of sports, from traditional team sports to more recreation-based activities. Staff work alongside professional coaches to assist teams and individuals. The House system encourages participation in a wide range of sporting activities that lead boys into new experiences.

Boys are encouraged to enjoy sporting competitions without compromising the highest standards of sportsmanship and fair play. For many students, sport is one path to personal satisfaction, understanding the value of endeavour, self-discipline, and other essential features of moral development.

At Christ's College, sport is kept in balance with scholastic and other co-curricular activities but is considered to be a part of school life in which many boys can excel.

Sport is compulsory in both summer and winter for Years 9–13 students.

Our Sports mission provides a world-class environment that develops a lifelong passion for all sports and physical activities.

Sports programme

A weekly compulsory sports programme operates for boys in all year groups. The emphasis is on the development of the skills required for their chosen sport, plus expectations and notions of fair play.

Sports practices are scheduled into the weekly school routine on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Some teams may practice on other days and times, depending on the availability of facilities.

Sports skills are enhanced as students are introduced to a wider selection of sports. At all levels, academic staff and/or specialist professional coaches supervise teams and individuals.

There are many roles that the co-curricular activities of sport fulfil, some of which are:

  • to develop team-style activities that help boys to develop discipline both on and off the field
  • to attain and enhance skills in particular sports
  • to represent College in inter-school sport
  • to develop physically and socially
  • to learn how to be a part of a group effort
  • to have meaningful contact with teachers in an informal situation
  • to enable students, parents and teachers to meet and work together
  • to learn to win with humility, and when a loss is experienced, to lose with a sense of dignity.

Summer sports

Winter sports

Sports Department

Staff Benn Mc Brearty 1084 SQ

Benn McBrearty

Director of Sport

Email View profile

Staff Kris Miller 0766 SQ

Kris Miller

Assistant to the Director of Sport/Head Strength & Conditioning Coach

Email View profile

Staff Keryn Ambler 3628 SQ

Keryn Ambler

Sports Convenor Cricket & Hockey, Head of Coach Development

Email View profile

Staff Nicole Gleason 3611 SQ

Nicole Gleason

Sports Convenor Basketball & Volleyball, Head of Injury Management, Facility Hire

Email View profile

Staff Ben Stroud 3620 SQ

Ben Stroud

Sports Convenor Football & Tennis, Head of Athletic Development

Email View profile

Staff Sandra Riley 3470 SQ

Sandra Riley

Sports Administration Assistant


Guidelines & FAQs

  • Absenteeism from games and trainings

    Wherever possible, the coach must be notified by the boy concerned prior to an intended absence from training. Students are not permitted to send messages to their coaches via other students. It is expected that boys or parents will write to the Housemaster, seeking permission well in advance of unavoidable absences. Queen’s Birthday, the end of the school term, Show weekend and Labour weekend are not considered valid reasons if students have sporting fixtures taking place.

    Permission to be absent from games will only be given in special circumstances. The Director of Sport and the Housemaster make the final decision. Representation in outside teams, part-time jobs, outside school activities, and the like, are not acceptable reasons for missing sport. If a boy is absent from a Saturday game as a result of unforeseen circumstances, he MUST report to his coach on Monday with a doctor’s certificate for sickness or a note from his parents explaining his absence. Notes from home will not be accepted in the case of prolonged sickness. If a student fails to make contact with his coach, he will be given a detention. All boys in summer and winter sports teams MUST have their coach's or captain’s phone number. The coach or captain should be contacted in the case of sudden illness or last-minute transport problems. Failure to turn up at a game causes serious inconvenience, both to a boy's own team and the opposition.

  • Change of sport

    Students wishing to change sport may make a request through the Director of Sport. Consideration will be given to numbers already in that sport, game commitments and maintenance of standards in each sport. The final decision is made by the Director of Sport.

  • Game draws

    Game venues and times will be relayed via coaches and/or sports noticeboard. Midweek and weekend fixtures are published on the College sports website under 'Fixtures'.

  • High performance exemptions

    In special cases – for example, high-level performance athletes – boys can be granted either a summer or winter sports exemption. This allows boys to train and compete within their club, and at a provincial and national level. These are generally for sports not offered at College. Exemptions must be applied for in writing to Benn McBrearty, Director of Sport. Exemptions for part-time jobs, tuition, or other such reasons, will not be granted.

  • Insurance, medical and other

    College has an insurance policy that covers students for a range of benefits, but it is supplementary to private health cover. It does not supersede private health insurance. Any medical or surgical treatment should be sought under private health cover as appropriate.

  • Medical assistance or injury during sport

    Team coaches/managers will be in charge of this matter. Parents will be informed by telephone of any serious injuries. The school policy is for an adult to attend hospital with the student. If a boarder is injured, the House matron/House staff will be informed and she will usually go to the hospital after informing the parents.

  • Outside sport

    Participation in sports clubs or teams outside College is difficult, but, in some cases, special circumstances may apply. Written application must be made to the Director of Sport. Time off school to attend outside sporting events must be made through the Housemaster and Director of Sport. The Deputy Principal will make the final decision. Parents are most welcome to discuss this matter with the Director of Sport.

  • Selection policy

    Team selection is the prerogative of the coach. Boys will be selected primarily according to their ability, within their age group. Other factors – such as, dependability and maturity – may be taken into account. If students are absent from school on training days, they must contact the coach and inform them of their availability for matches.

  • Sickness and injury

    If a boy becomes ill or injured and is unable to participate in training and games for a prolonged period, he will be placed on 'official duties', within the team or sport – for example, as a water boy or manager. All boys who are unable to participate in sport for an extended period must provide the Director of Sport and their Housemaster with a doctor’s certificate.

  • Sports season

    College divides sport into two seasons: Winter (Terms 2 and 3) and Summer (Terms 1 and 4), with Terms 1 and 3 holidays separating the seasons. Selection for sport choice takes place in week 5 of either Term 1 or Term 3 and is completed through boarding and day Houses.

  • Training and times

    For each sport, training will usually be held on two afternoons a week – depending on age group, sport, team and time of the year. As a boy progresses into higher age groups, this may be extended. If training requires students to move offsite, then they must wear correct training gear which is specific to the sport they play.

  • Uniforms

    The correct uniform must be worn during games and practices. This includes travelling to and from, and at games. Check with the Master-in-Charge of your sport if you have any questions. No variation of uniform is allowed. Summer and winter season sports uniforms must be worn with pride. Non-College T-shirts, caps or other clothing are not permitted. Sports uniforms are available from the Uniform Shop.

  • Water bottles

    Students are expected to bring their own water bottle. It is against health regulations for students to share bottles. Students’ bottles should be clearly marked with their name. Water bottles are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop.

  • Wet-weather arrangements – summer and winter

    Wednesday competition and training cancellations will be published on the sports noticeboard, student notices and College sport website.

    For Saturday sport, participants should listen to Newstalk ZB 1098AM on the morning of the match, or check for cancellations on the College sport website. Some major College sports have Facebook pages that will also provide information on cancellations. Currently, rowing, cricket, football, rugby, hockey and basketball have club Facebook pages.