Round Square offers the students of Christ’s College the opportunity to embrace a global perspective.

Round Square provides learning opportunities, through connections with other Round Square schools, student exchanges, service projects and conferences.
Our commitment to Round Square is largely student-driven, with our Round Square Senior and Junior committees leading Round Square initiatives. Other student committees work within the Round Square framework in terms of democratic processes, leadership, adventure and service. The Round Square IDEALS complement our school values of spirituality, learning, respect, compassion, honesty, justice and stewardship.
Six IDEALS of learning
Our programme is linked to each of the six Round Square IDEALS of Learning.
1. Internationalism
Our students have the opportunity to attend Round Square conferences internationally, where they will meet students from all over the world. Virtual conferences are the norm under Covid restrictions.
We are expanding our exchange programmes, including virtual exchanges, to include Round Square schools.
We are using our Round Square membership to celebrate diversity within our own community.
2. Democracy
We are empowering student voice at College in a variety of ways, including our Student Senate, which represents students of all ages in our 10 Houses.
We have introduced a student suggestion forum, which encourages students to suggest ways to improve the school. Our student committee system encourages student initiative. There are also student committees in the three boarding Houses, to voice opinions on boarding issues.
Our students are able to vote for student leadership roles in the school, including Head Prefect, Heads of Houses and Head of Choir.
3. Environment
We are fostering environmental awareness amongst our students through the curriculum, as well via the Environment Committee.
The Environment Committee is focusing on native tree planting, as well as on power conservation on campus.
4. Adventure
We are committed to providing a range of adventure activities for our students, using field trips, our Outdoor Education Programme, our Boarding Programme and The Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award.
5. Leadership
We provide a wide range of leadership opportunities, with a special focus on 'the leader as servant'. Our Leadership Programme is developed through leadership in our Houses, student committees and co-curricular programme, as well as via service leadership.
The Centre for Character & Leadership has been established to build leadership capacity.
6. Service
We are developing a coherent service programme at College and will be taking advantage of Round Square service projects.
Currently, service is undertaken in a variety of ways, including overseas service projects, House service, The Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award and the work of our student Service Committee and Environment Committee.
Round Square experiences
Round Square gallery