Sticking to the script to promote internationalism
24 Mar 2023
Junior Round Square members have picked up their ink brushes to hone their Chinese calligraphy skills as they commit to better understanding and embracing other cultures.
Guided by Ardour Charitable Trust trustee Jessie Zhao, the boys have been developing their calligraphy characters and learning more about the ancient script.
Junior Round Square Year 11 students Jeffrey Jiang, Jack Hastie, and Benson Geng-Wang explain that Round Square opens the door to “what’s going on in the world” and “promotes greater understanding among different cultures”.
They believe that committing to the six Round Square IDEALS of Learning – Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership, and Service – enables “fresh perspectives” and provides a platform for leadership.
The recipient of a 2022 Christchurch City Council Civic Award, the Ardour Charitable Trust aims to “create leadership opportunities for young people from different ethnic groups, promote cultural exchanges, and strengthen ties with local communities”.