Code of Conduct

Each boy is representing himself, College and his family. Sportsmanship must be shown at all times, both on and off the field. Foul or dangerous play, retaliation, swearing or aggressive language, arguing with referees/officials, or reacting to spectators are not tolerated. Below are the guidelines for both spectators and players.

College Guidelines for Players

  1. Players are expected to be modest in success and dignified in defeat. This implies acknowledgement, willingly and openly, of good play by either school or team.
  2. Players should be wholehearted in their approach to games and should adhere strictly both to the letter and the spirit of the rules and laws. The referee's or umpire's decision is final, and the team captain is the only player who may ask for clarification of a decision.
  3. Players should never resort to unseemly or abusive language.
  4. Players should be punctual and well turned out. The home team and, in particular, the captain, should welcome the visiting team. At the end of the game, compliments should be exchanged and referees, umpires and other officials (scorers, touch judges etc.) should be thanked.

College Guidelines for Parents

  1. Demonstrate good sportsmanship and respect for others in your own behaviour, both on and off the field, as your son(s) looks to you as a role model.
  2. Encourage your son(s) to have fun, make friends, and enjoy the overall experience of participating in sports, regardless of the outcome of any particular game or season.
  3. NEVER publicly criticise coaches, referees, or other officials during games or in online forums. Such behaviour sets a negative example for your son(s) and undermines the authority of those responsible for managing the sport.
  4. Refrain from pressuring your son(s) to excel in sports at the expense of their well-being or other interests. Avoid pushing them to specialise in a single sport too early or to pursue unrealistic goals.
  5. Discourage any behaviour from your son(s) that is disrespectful, unsportsmanlike, or violates the rules of the game. This includes taunting opponents, arguing with referees, or engaging in aggressive play.
  6. Always RESPECT the roles and responsibilities of coaches/managers and avoid overstepping boundaries by attempting to dictate playing time, tactics, or team selection decisions.
  7. Refrain from blaming coaches, referees, or other players for your son(s)'s performance or the outcome of games. Instead, encourage your son(s) to take responsibility for their actions and to learn from both successes and setbacks.
  8. NEVER engage in confrontational behaviour with players, coaches, parents of other players, or officials, whether before, during or after games, practices, or social events related to the sport. This also pertains to expressive body language or audible indirect comments that are negative by nature.
  9. Resist the temptation to prioritise winning above all else, including fair play, sportsmanship, and the wellbeing of your son(s) and their teammates.
  10. Take safety concerns seriously and do not disregard them in pursuit of victory. Ensure that your son(s) is properly equipped with safety gear and encourage them to report any injuries or concerns to coaches and medical staff.
  11. Avoid comparing your son(s) to other players or putting undue pressure on them to match the achievements of their peers. Focus on their individual progress and development instead.

College Guidelines for Spectators

  1. Barracking should be enthusiastic, not designed to heckle, denigrate or unsettle opponents. For example, barracking during a kick at goal, or sledging in cricket, is not acceptable. Barracking should be for the school only. Booing and whistling is unacceptable.
  2. Good play by either team should be recognised by applause.
  3. It is never right to express disapproval of a referee's or umpire's decision, be it from an adult or schoolboy referee.
  4. Vocal support for any team should never encourage violence, rough, or illegal play.
  5. Coaching by spectators from the sideline and encroaching on the field of play are not allowed.
  6. Spectators must remember that games at school level are organised for the benefit of the boys concerned, not for adults.
  7. Visitors to grounds should co-operate fully with any regulations or requests made by the home school concerning car parking, entry to grounds, seating, dressing rooms and the placing of spectators. Visitors should always leave the area tidy and free of rubbish when they leave.
  8. Alcohol and alcohol consumption is forbidden at all school games.