Terms 1 and 4 (Summer)

The College Cricket Club is one of the oldest sports at school, with several Old Boys playing for New Zealand. Notable Old Boys include Tom Lowry (first New Zealand test captain) and John Wright.

Coaches are a mixture of College staff, external professionals and parents.

All practice takes place at the Christ’s College cricket ground in South Hagley Park.

Year 9 teams play either full-day or afternoon cricket, depending on their grade. Other teams play T20 matches starting at 9am or 12.30pm. The top senior sides begin at 10.30am.

College cricket teams play in several traditional inter-school fixtures in New Zealand and Australia and have regular tours to the United Kingdom. The most recent tour to the UK was in April 2023.

Cricket Convenor: Keryn Ambler – email hidden; JavaScript is required
Venue: Christ’s College Cricket Ground, South Hagley Park
Training: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Uniform: College whites and cap

Recent Success


  • Three players selected for Canterbury U17 team which won the National Championship
  • 2nd in the 1st XI Championship (two-day competition)
  • 2nd in 1st XI T20 category
  • 1st in Development T20 category (2nd XI)


  • Holder of Heathcote Williams Shield
  • Holder of Fulton Nichols Cup
  • Winner of the 1st XI one-day Christchurch competition


  • 1st XI wins Gillette Cup (NZSS Championship) for first time in school history
  • 1st XI wins CMCA 1st XI Championship one-day and two-day titles
  • 1st XI current holders of Heathcote Williams Shield (NZ schools trophy)
  • Three players selected for Canterbury U19 team to play at National tournament
  • Development XI wins CMCA Cup one-day title

Cricket Coaching Staff

Staff Andrew Levenger 4329 SQ

Andrew Levenger

1st XI Manager

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Dan Vann SQ

Dan Vann

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Keryn Ambler cropped

Keryn Ambler

1st XI Coach

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