Christ’s College follows the national qualifications framework (NCEA) and our students consistently outperform boys from other decile 8–10 schools, with results well above national averages. A high proportion of boys gain Merit or Excellence endorsements. An overview of 2023 results is shown below.

To further extend and challenge boys beyond Level 3 NCEA, many students also choose to sit NZ Scholarship examinations. Results are always impressive.

Every year, several boys are also awarded prestigious university scholarships. More than 90% of graduating students pursue tertiary education, either in New Zealand or overseas.

2023 Academic Merit and Excellence

Merit and Excellence endorsements for Christ's College students compared with national standards and Canterbury boys’ schools.

Merit and Excellence Endorsement (%)Level 2Level 3
Christ's College5954.1
Canterbury boys' schools33.832.2
National average38.639.6

The NCEA curriculum is internationally recognised and boys who wish to attend university, whether in New Zealand or overseas, are well prepared for the challenges. Each year, boys from Christ's College successfully gain admission to world-ranked universities, including Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard and Stanford.

NZQA Scholarship 2024

Congratulations to those students who achieved outstanding results in the NZQA Scholarship examinations in 2024. College was rewarded with 27 scholarships in all.

Student Scholarship
Saleh Ameen Accounting
Freddie Coates Chemistry, Physics
Tomas Coberger English
Oscar Compton-Moen History
Ryan Gu Calculus, Music
Sam Hales English, History
Robert Kidd Physics
Aaron Kwak Chemistry, English, History
Lester Lai Calculus (Outstanding), Chemistry, Physics
Benjamin Murphy Physics
Nick Sharr Calculus, English, History
Harry Vaughan Chemistry, Physics
David Wayne English
Angus Whitteker Chemistry (Outstanding), Physics, Statistics
Peter Wu Chemistry