Outstanding Christ’s College scholars
10 Feb 2023
College 2022 leavers Isaac Heap and Bruce Chen have been named Outstanding Scholars by NZQA while Yusef Elnahas has been recognised as New Zealand’s Top Scholar in Japanese.
Of the 36 Scholarships awarded to College students, seven are at Outstanding level.
Both Isaac and Bruce will receive $15,000 over three years for tertiary study in New Zealand while Yusef will receive $4,000 annually for three years as a Top Scholar, and for having achieved two Outstanding Scholarships.
Isaac Heap has achieved Outstanding Scholarships in English and Classical Studies, along with gaining Scholarship in Economics while Bruce has achieved Scholarship in four subjects ¬– Chemistry, Statistics (Outstanding), Calculus, and Economics. Along with being named Top Scholar in Japanese, Yusef has also gained an Outstanding Scholarship in English.
Harry Vincent and Joshua Hooker have also achieved Outstanding Scholarships in Chemistry and Music, respectively. Eight College students have gained at least two Scholarship subject awards in 2022, with James Griffin to receive $2,000 annually for three years for gaining Scholarship in three subjects – English, Biology, and Music.
Click here to see the full list of the boys and their wonderful achievements.