Tuck into fresh food approach

17 Nov 2022

A new online ordering system developed by a trio of College students helps beat the tuck shop rush while satisfying break-time food demands.

Developed by Year 10 business buffs Ben Campbell, Henry Church, and Louie Garry, the Tuckin website provides an online platform for ordering morning tea and lunch.

“We had all witnessed the rush for the College tuck shop by the boys and the long queues that put a lot of students off buying food and drink and wanted to come up with an efficient approach to ordering to enable an easy pick-up,” the boys explain.

“Tuckin also ensures that the tuck shop does not run low on stock, presenting a win-win for the food supplier and the boys. Equally, it means that the boys no longer need to worry about forgetting their debit cards, as their account is set up online.”

After spending six months on enhancing and advancing the Tuckin concept, a trial is now under way, with students able to order a range of snacks and drinks.

“We have developed and tailored Tuckin from a base online platform into a streamlined approach,” the boys say. “Our first trial is going well, and we will expand the website to feature a full-menu trial next year.”

Following a meeting with Christ’s College caterer Spotless, the boys hope to expand their business into other schools across New Zealand and, eventually, into Australia.

“We are stoked with the response and are all focused on post-College business careers, so growing Tuckin is the first major step.”