Take note of record numbers in Chapel Choir
02 May 2023
College’s prestigious Chapel Choir has swelled to a record 104 student voices, with 35 new choristers inducted during a special service in the Chapel on Friday evening.

Each newcomer has been vested with the surplice – the robe of office reminding the boys of the good character required of all choristers – by the choir leaders during the service led by the Chaplain, the Rev’d Cameron Pickering. The new choristers are James Anderson, Thomas Clayson, George Currie, James Currie, Hugh Davis, Augustus Elworthy, Angus Fulton, Jack Gorrie, Newman Hao, Louis Hiatt, Guy Holmes, Alex Johnstone, Edward Killick, Paddy Laidlaw, Felix Liu, Alex Luhrs, Connor MacKenzie, Harry MacKenzie-Rickards, Alfie McLean, Hugo Miller, Cole Moffatt, Kiniwai Morgan, Jack Morkane, Jonty Ramsden, Michael Rankin, James Reed, Alex Richards, Casper Talbot, Kever Thorley, Ollie Trollip, Jago Wallace, Sebastian Wynn Thomas, Chris Yoon, Sean Zhang, and Lucas Zhong.
Director of Music Robert Aburn has welcomed the new choristers, acknowledging their solemn commitment to maintaining the high standards of the Chapel Choir.
Watched by a large group of parents and grandparents, the newcomers have joined the full throng in a range of hymns, including Holy, Holy, Holy and Praise my Soul.
Head of Choir Alexander Law, Head of the Schola Cantorum Edward Nye, Deputy Head of Choir Tom Foster, and Head Trebles Marcello Ferguson and Oscar Stove have also been acknowledged and blessed at the service.