Somes House wins again

19 Aug 2022

For the third year running, Somes House has won the Tothill Cup interhouse Drama Trophy.

Its production of Star Wars Episode 3 also won the Best Director award for Ciaran Huntley and an Actor Award for Jacob Clements.

Director of Drama Hannah Clarkson said the Somes’ boys did a great job “and really considered what the judges were scoring them on.”

Hotly contested and held over two nights in the Assembly Hall, the REACTION House Plays Festival is an annual favourite for the 10 Houses, and gives opportunity for students to star both on stage and back stage.

The student directors and managers have a short time frame to encourage their casts to produce performances of energy, humour and creativity.

Judges Leon Van’t Veen and Nic Kyle were impressed with the effort and awarded the following:

Magic Moments

  • Julius – for their ‘brotherhood’ choreography
  • Harper – for their dance break
  • School – for their wonderful trees
  • Flower’s – for the practising wolf (Josh Peckitt)
  • Condell’s – for Shakespeare moments with fantastic lighting

Actor Awards

  • Thimeth Wijesinghe (Julius)
  • Max Falvey (Rolleston)
  • Ollie Young (Harper)
  • Santino Felitti-Duter (Condell’s)
  • Max Topham (Condell’s)
  • Hugh Duston (Corfe)
  • Ed Davidson (Flower’s)
  • Jacob Clements (Somes)
  • Tinura Gajumange (Jacobs)
  • Oliver Biggs (School)

Runner-Up Best Actor

  • Finn Melhuish (Harper)

Best Actor

  • Ryan Primus (Corfe)

Ensemble Awards

  • Julius
  • School
  • Richards

People’s Choice, Night One

People’s Choice, Night Two

Director’s Awards

  • Bruno Vaughan (Corfe)
  • Harry Sharr (Condell’s)
  • William Olsson and Henry King (Harper)

Best Director
Ciaran Huntley (Somes)

Third Place
Harper – The Wolf of Gloucester Street

Second Place
Corfe – Waiting for Death

Best House Play, Tothill Cup
Somes – Star Wars, Episode 3