School of fine art for four College boys
11 Aug 2021
Four College artists – Jake Abbiss, Oli Aikawa, Oscar Nott and Reis Azlan – will be among the Art Stars at an exhibition of Ōtautahi’s future creatives in September–October.
Hosted by The Creators’ Room, the annual Art Stars exhibition features outstanding original work by school students aged 15–18, with more than 2000 submissions each year. The Creators’ Room supports the framing of the selected exhibition pieces and the reproduction of limited edition prints, with the prints available to collectors via the website.
An annual $3000 scholarship is also also awarded to the top artist.
Art Stars 2021 will be held in the Hereford Street to High Street Atrium (248–250 High Street) from Saturday 25 September–Saturday 9 October(Free entry). In total, 100 artworks from students at 18 schools will be on display.
“The remarkably high standard of work is a true credit to the dedication and hours of commitment these students put in behind the scenes in these art rooms,” The Creators’ Room co-founder Sophie Paterson says.
“This year’s collection has students showing maturity and understanding of creative concepts and techniques well beyond their years. It’s exciting to see the potential.”