College four score clay target success

15 Sep 2023

Kieran Christey has won a shoot-off to claim the A grade Points Score title (73/75) at the Canterbury DTL (Down-the-line) Championships at the Timaru Clay Target Club.

Competing against very experienced shooters, the Year 12 student has also finished 2nd in the A Grade Single Rise and been named the junior champion runner-up across all grades.

Year 13 student Will Gould – in his first provincial championships – has won the high overall title in C grade, scoring an impressive 199/230. His competition highlights include 14/15 in the minis and 48/50 in the triples. In total, Will has scored three wins and two 3rds in various sections.

Year 10 students Harrison Johnstone and Oliver Skene have also stepped up to the provincial challenge. In C Grade, Harrison has been named Junior Champion for the Single Barrel event and won three events in total. Oliver has claimed 2nd spot in the C Grade Points Score event.

A College team member has won every C grade DTL event while in the Points Score, College competitors have taken the top three places.