They did us proud
04 Apr 2017
A talented group of College thespians performed a fantastic, fun-filled scene from Twelfth Night at the 2017 Otago University Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival, held at Villa Maria College on Saturday 1 April.
The boys chose to perform Act 2, Scene 3, and set the scene in a boarding house, from where Toby, Andrew and Feste have snuck out for a night of drinking and partying. They return to the house with Fabian, to continue carousing the night away, only to be scolded by their friend, Marius, and the on-duty prefect, Malvolio, whom they all thoroughly dislike. They decide to make a fool of Malvolio by planting a fake love letter for him, seemingly penned by the lovely Olivia.
There is an old Chinese saying, “One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage.” The boys put many hours into creating this hilarious scene. College drama teacher Robyn Peers described it as a very lovely piece. “The boys did a superb job, they really did us proud.”
The Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival involves over 5,500 students and half of all secondary schools in New Zealand. It aims to encourage students to engage with Shakespeare's plays by performing excerpts in the hopes of selection for the National Festival.
Cast and crew:
Toby – Finn Sziranyi, Year 13
Andrew – George Simpson, Year 10
Feste – Hugo Beale, Year 13
Fabian – Sebastien Lallemant, Year 12
Marius – Richard Seaton, Year 12
Malvolio – Luke Zydendbos, Year 13
Production and stage manager – Brent Criglington, Year 13