Ready to learn
26 May 2020
At the start of the year, Year 9 student Lucas Evans was busy discovering College, getting to know the boys in his House, making friends, choosing co-curricular options, and looking forward ... but he was very aware of the impact of Covid-19 overseas.
“My mother is Spanish and her family in Zaragoza (northern Spain) were already going through it, so we were prepared for what might happen here. I wasn’t sure whether to be excited about lockdown or sad, but it was nice and relaxing at home.”
Living on the hills, his family did a lot of mountain biking and walking and, once the holidays were over, Lucas found he liked the freedom of remote learning.
“It was well organised. Everything was there and you could decide when and how to use your time. I feel like I got a bit done, but there were also a lot of distractions at home, so I procrastinated a bit as well.”
Home was good and he loved having extra time with his family, but Lucas says he is pleased to be back at school.
“It felt relaxed and free at home, but being back at school has its advantages. It’s much easier to talk with the teachers and ask them questions in class, and I feel like it’s easier to learn. Plus, it’s been good to see everyone again.”
Lucas is still looking forward ... he is looking forward to hanging out in the House with his mates, playing football in winter and tennis in summer, and to diving into College life.