Making a difference
26 Aug 2019
They don’t do it for recognition, they do it because they are committed to making a difference – and, for Year 13 students Jordy Annand, Ollie Brakenridge and Finn Brokenshire, winning a $500 Coffee Culture Local Heroes award will give a significant boost to the community projects with which they work.
Head of Environment Jordy has spent many hours nurturing the College nursery and planting out in the Red Zone. He has thoroughly enjoyed being involved in creating such a valuable legacy project – for both College and the city – and was delighted to see the work of the Eco-Action Nursery Trust and Environment Committee recognised by Coffee Culture. The award will be used to grow the project, to buy more plants and tools and encourage more students to get involved.
The award given to Ollie and Finn recognises the work they and their fellow Rolleston House students have done in a local primary school and the funds are earmarked to be used in the best interests of the children.