Make time to read
29 May 2018
There is nothing quite like curling up with a good book – and thousands of bookworms across the country took the opportunity to participate in a shared reading experience on Tuesday 22 May, aka Book Night.
Teacher–Librarian Lisa Trundley-Banks and HoD English Sian Evans coordinated Book Night at College. Participating students, staff and their children, gathered in the library at 6pm, enjoying hot chocolate, marshmallows and biscuits, and delighting in the sheer pleasure of reading.
“It was a lovely experience,” says Sian. “I’m very big on encouraging reading in the English department, and see building healthy reading habits as the most important aspect of our Junior English programme.
“Research suggests reading for personal enjoyment – be it fiction, non-fiction, poetry or graphic novels – is the best possible way to build language, literacy and core thinking skills across the academic curriculum. Encouraging and nurturing a love of reading in our boys is the most important thing we can do for them.
“Interestingly, the key factor in accessing the benefits of reading is enjoyment. This is why events like Book Night are so important. The best way to encourage boys to enjoy reading is by giving them motivation to read and showing them role models who clearly enjoy reading.”
Time to read is time to treasure – and, says Sian, the links between reading, modelling enjoyment of reading and academic success are indisputable and cannot be overstated.