Gold award for Oscar

21 Oct 2019

More than 500 hours spent volunteering in projects at College and for the Kirwee Players have earnt Oscar Gosling a gold award from the Student Volunteer Army.

Presented at assembly this week, the award recognises students’ voluntary efforts – when they are doing something to help someone else and not to make money.

Year 10 Oscar loves the theatre world, so spending so much time on productions and performances, front of house, and gathering data from surveys for grant applications, was no hardship.

Into the mix went hours spent in Chapel Choir, tree plantings with the Environment Committee, assistant directing and taking roles in House plays.

“When you’re doing it, you don’t think of the hours, but looking back and seeing that huge figure was quite elating.”

Kirwee Players take up a lot of his weekend time, and he estimates he has done front of house for them for five years – two productions a year. This year they presented seven performances of Fiddler on the Roof, Oscar also lending his expertise to the audition panel.

The SVA Service Awards are a new initiative this year, students creating an account and logging the hours of service they complete via the SVA website.

Once a month the school receives a report and is then able to present the award pins.

So far College has awarded 11 bronze, one silver (Tim Cross) and one gold (Oscar Gosling).

Gold award for Oscar