Giving it their best shot

13 May 2020

Six College students – Connor Graham (captain), George Nehoff, Tom Macdonald, Harry Trolove, George Helmore and Henry Lassen – took part in the 2020 National DTL (Down the Line) Clay Target Shooting Championships held at the Canterbury Clay Target Club from Wednesday 11–Friday 13 March.

Competing in three of the seven main events – the single barrel, single rise and points score events – the boys performed well in the high-pressure competition environment.

The points score event on the Friday morning was particularly exciting, with George Nehoff shooting a very competitive 149/150 from his 50 targets (each target is worth three points if hit with the first barrel, two points if hit with the second barrel and no points if missed), meaning he only needed one second shot at his targets and hit all of them. This result saw George in a shoot-off for first place in the national B grade points score event.

George had a six-hour wait for his shoot-off, which was held in front of hundreds of spectators – and, after an exciting shoot, he came 2nd in New Zealand, taking a well-earned silver medal.

The 2020 National DTL Championships was an open event, attracting 319 competitors from around New Zealand, plus 35 from Australia.

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The College team (left to right) – George Helmore, Tom Macdonald, Connor Graham, Harry Trolove, George Nehoff, Henry Lassen.

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George Nehoff after receiving his silver medal in the National B Grade Points Score event.

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George Nehoff, Henry Lassen and Connor Graham waiting for their event.