Comedy, tragedy and everything in between
17 Aug 2018
The spotlight shone on hidden talents at the 2018 REACTION House Plays Festival as College’s 10 Houses fiercely contested the annual awards before large and appreciative audiences.
Many boys who never before had trod the boards were keen to strut their stuff, and nerves were well under control as the House teams swung into action.
REACTION took place on Monday 13 August and Thursday 16 August 2018 in the Assembly Hall which was packed for both occasions.
Old Boy John Ussher, now a drama teacher at Cashmere High School, had the difficult role of adjudicator, gauging audience response in order to make the People’s Choice awards, and making his own decisions on overall winners from the wide selection of plays on offer.
Three of the 10 plays this time were originals – written by College students.
The Tothill Cup – interhouse drama trophy for Best House Play went to Jacobs whose work, NO BITING! was both written and directed by Sam Howard who also won Best Director. Second was Condell’s for Rabbit directed by Harrison Voice, and third was School House for Over the Wall, narrated by Robert Rolleston.
Jacobs last won the REACTION House Plays Festival in 1997.
In summing up John Ussher commended everyone involved in the festival, for their vision, work and bravery.
“It’s a big ask to get up on a stage – not everyone is a dramaturg!”
He said he had been looking for how creative the plays were, their utilisation of the stage, smooth transitions and good flow, and how well technology had been used. He was also looking for effective ensemble work, tonal range, commitment from the cast and believable characters.