Ash Wednesday – the start of Lent

06 Mar 2019

College marked the beginning of Lent with the traditional Ash Wednesday Chapel service on 6 March, the new College Warden, Bishop Peter Carrell preaching the sermon and applying ash to the foreheads of those who wanted it afterwards.

Bishop Carrell said the 40 days of Lent were a time of making an intense effort to acknowledge our journey with Christ and all he has done for us. The time was a preparation for the coming celebration of Easter and he said it was traditionally observed by prayer, fasting, self-denial, giving to those in need, and listening to the word of God.

March was a period of intense effort for the boys anyway, he said, with rowers making maximum effort for the Maadi Cup, others trying for the 1st XV, and still more hoping to make the football and hockey 1st XI. Those boys knew however, that training to make those teams began during the past year, and was simply intensified in the final weeks lead up to competition - drawing a parallel with the work we should all be doing spiritually, and especially in the lead up to Easter.
