Anyone for a House G and T?
15 Feb 2022
The very successful Old Boys 2021 Cocktail Party featuring House gins has spawned an official Christ’s College brand of its own.
10 Houses Gin was launched at the beginning of Term 1 by the Christ’s College Old Boys’ Association. It will be available at official functions and for Old Boys to purchase.
It’s handcrafted in Christchurch in attractive 700ml bottles, and its branding is steeped in College tradition from the school’s 1877 origins.
Old Boy Will Vink, CCOBA President Richard Polson, Alumni Manager Lizzie Dyer and Old Boy Nick Harvey formed the nucleus of The Gin Committee, working for nearly a year to turn the idea into a pourable reality.
“It all stemmed from last year’s Cocktail Party where we served House gins, which proved very popular and great fun,” Lizzie Dyer says.
It has been a natural step to team up with The Spirits Workshop in Sydenham, which is owned by past College parents Michelle and Rod Quinn.
“Special thanks to Nick Harvey and the team at Strategy, where he worked until the end of 2021, for their development of the design and branding. We wanted something subtle, both in the name and the labelling, and they came up with a perfect answer, including the black and white cardboard tube.”
Antony Michalik, the chief gin officer, master distiller and managing director at The Spirits Workshop, says the gin is a premium small-batch gin, classic London Dry in style, with Oriental spice, along with fruity citrus and soft floral notes complementing the juniper.
“It is delicious in a dry martini and a classic G and T, with Indian Tonic and a slice of lime,” he says.
The gin is available from The Spirits Workshop.
$85 per bottle
$450 for a 6-bottle case ($75 per bottle)
$850 for a 12-bottle case ($70.83 per bottle)
All prices exclude delivery costs.